Monday, April 21, 2008

Loose Tooth!

Jonas has had a loose tooth for a while now, maybe two weeks?  Maybe less.  He has talked of little else since it's discovery, and he's been vigilant about wiggling it and keeping me posted about it's progress.

On Saturday he was with my sister and he called me and said "I wanted to tell you that my Tooth came out.  The wiggly one.  I was wiggling it and suddenly I noticed that it was actually not connected anymore.  It just came out.  How much money do you think the toothfairy will bring me?!"  *sniff*  My baby is growing up!  Using his big words and everything.


Kiersten said...

congratulations to Jonas!!!

Anna said...

Thanks! He's SO excited! He let's me know how it's doing everyday. We can see the adult tooth already. Gosh he's so grown up!