Thursday, May 29, 2008

Boxes and Babies

So we're moving in 2 days, just a few streets away.  A bigger, nicer, much higher rent house than we live in now.  It should be wonderful over all.  Nice big fenced in back yard, dishwasher, 4 bedrooms, yada yada yada.  You can read about it on my blog about me, along with the stolen car debacle.  
At any rate, the house over there is not yet ready for us, and my house over here is not yet ready to be moved.  After all, I still have to live here and take care of children here.  I broke down Jonas' room (since he doesn't use it for anything but lego building) and started packing and piling boxes in there.  It's hard to decipher what things we need to live here for a few days and what we don't.  I'm still not sure.  I'm confidant that there are many things I should be packing, but I'm not sure what they are.

Lavinia seem overly excited about the move and has woken in the night and done strange things the past few nights, many of which include peeing in my bed.  Lovely.
Jonas talks about it a lot, but I think I've discussed it all enough with him that he's handling it all very well, aside from being high strung and more aggressive than usual.  We haven't actually changed very much yet, so I still expect transition anxiety and post move insanity - in all parties.

Come to think of it, I should get up off my ass and start packing again.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We moved recently into higher price rented accommodation, and I must say that my eldest has been doing 'weird' things too - like having to go to the toilet 15 times before bed, just in case she pees in the bed.

Hope you are enjoying your new place, moving is so stressful, although I never thought it would be, but with two children in tow, all their toys, clothes, etc. Phew!